This is not an auto-generated blog that I write early and send out at the scheduled moment. It is channeled every month or mid-month at the time of sharing. This month's reading is a bit off my usual schedule as I've been living in the reading myself.
So let's get in to it - sparks are flying and energy is moving and what will you choose this month? More importantly, how will you choose?
What are your compass points? What's your North, South, East and West?
What are your values that you anchor your life around?
Energies are moving quickly and life interruptions are happening. This could feel like surprises. And I daresay they will, and at first blush, perhaps even unwanted. There are many opportunities coming our way this month that will require us to use our inner compass to stay on course. That will require of us to make a choice, or many choices. It may feel as everything is happening all at once and a bit overwhelming.
Okay that sounds a little heavy so let me qualify...
Time to show up for you more than ever. And yes, it feels like I have been saying that for years, this past one in particular!
So how is this different? It is and it isn't. The gist is still the same - all of life is about learning more about who we are as soulful beings, living from that space and sharing with others. What's different now is the tempo. Consider that we have had a year to get our feet underneath us, so to speak, to clarify our compass points and to practice living from those anchors. Now we put it into real play. We can view the horizon, we see the events around us unfolding and we have a solid compass in our hand. Surprises, perhaps, but there is a clearer sense of how or if even, this fits in to my life.
Here's how this is playing out in my life:
I have been quite receptive to the service of jury duty for some time and here I am serving this week! And...we got notice our month to month lease is not being renewed so we are also in the midst of packing and planning where to go all by December 31st.
So where is the choice in this? Shifting my timelines and schedules. Changing up my to do lists. Enjoying the possibilities that are presenting themselves outside of my earlier vision. Opening to more possibilities and yes, outside help in the form of Universal or Divine, or God's support.
On another level, I have been invited on a women's walking exploration of the Scottish Isles, with few spots available and I have to get my deposit in ASAP to hold my place. My friends and I have been talking about this for years.
Oh! The date coincides with my stepson's college graduation.
What to do?
A year ago, I would have agonized over this conflict. How will he feel if I don't go? How will my beloved feel if I don't go? What is the right thing for a stepmom to do? Adrift was I without a compass to help me navigate.
Fast forward to this week, and I am in awe of the clarity I feel around this. I can see it as a possibility and that the above questions don't leave enough room for me, nor match my inner compass. What would bring me joy and feel lightest to me?
The great news is we are prepared for this! We have spent the past year in this energy and reviewing the monthly blogs I can see this. Thanks to the time asking myself those big questions, finding my pulse, getting what I know, expressing my boundaries, cultivating my inner community, remembering to keep it simple, setting my sights for possibilities, recognizing myself in everything, staying calm, slowing down, and listening for whatever wants to be heard, trusting what I know, savoring the sweetness of where I am, making room for more, allowing space for what matters to me, and acknowledging myself as the hero in my own life I now arrive in this present moment, recognizing the possibilities, aware of my values and priorities, and able to make clear conscious choices that work best for me and what I value and how I want to live.
Yes, much is moving and quickly. And you got this. You have an inner compass, even if it doesn't feel like it in this moment. Lean on what matters most to you, truly, as you are faced with these choices. All of life is calling for us to live the most soulful expression of ourselves. And the events of daily life are the opportunities to recognize where we are and where we are not doing that. Consider how you navigate the moments, whether hard or soft, as you approach the new possibilities available to you.
So, unexpected? Perhaps yes. Powerful? Absolutely. Possibilities? Chock full.
For this month I offer you:
Choose based on what will contribute to you.
Choose based on the energy and not on the rightness or wrongness of it.
(There is no right choice ever.)
Don't stop choosing. Every 10 seconds it's a new opportunity so if you have many events occurring at once, break it down. Take it one at a time and recognize that you can always choose anew.
Play in the questions:
What else is possible?
What is right about this I'm not getting?
How does this get better?
What help is available to me that I am not seeing?
And if you need help with any of these choices, consider some Help to reconnect you to your inner compass.
Finally, wishing you the best of the season and warmest wishes for joyous and healing holy days.